I consider myself primarily as a naturalist, while I treat Atheism as merely a consequence of naturalism. When one understands Naturalism to have two commitments (Methodological and Metaphysical), then it becomes apparent that Naturalism does entail atheism. Naturalism is worldview that only Nature (along with it's fundamental constituents) exists and that phenomena, state of affairs, or events in Nature have natural explanations within Nature. This implies an ontological holism, in which everything that exists in Nature are interrelated to each other. Naturalism denies supernatural explanations, but not by virtue of it's metaphysical presuppositions but also on the basis on the lack of evidence and/or contrary evidence. What this means is that Naturalism is a radical immanent world-view philosophy, it denies transcendence; it is an anti-transcendent philosophy that emphasizes on "this world" and "here-now" rather than the "beyond". Beauty, values, goodness, and meaning is found within this world, rather than from beyond.
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